2 The Great Nurdle Hunt: Nurdles are small plastic pellets the size of a lentil. Billions of nurdles are used every year to make almost all of our plastic products, but many end up washing up on our shores. (The Great Nurdle Hunt: Nurdles are small plastic pellets about the size of a lentil. Countless billion are used each year to make nearly all our plastic products but many end up washing up on our shores.) Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you can describe the experience of a team member, the specificity of a product or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link List item 23 France Nature Environnement: Food waste: definition, challenges and figures Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Item Link4 European Parliament: Food waste: the problem in the EU in figures [infographic] Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
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